Early mornings, late nights, sight seeing, and making friends pretty much sums up my first few days in Sydneyy! One thing that i’ve learned so far is that LIFE IS EXPENSIVEE... especially when you’re in Sydney. I paid $5 for a water bottle... i mean really? That better be some quality H20 right there! Oh & people are really friendly here: I asked a guy where the pay phones are and he told me that i could just use his phone... this doesn’t just happen everywhere :]

Touring around Sydney - went walking for about 3 1/2 hours and learned a lot about the history and saw the famous sights (harbor bridge, opera house)! The city is absolutely stunning. And did you know, the Australian crest has a kangaroo and an emu on it because they are two animals that cannot walk backwards therefore Australia is always moving forward :] BAMMM. I could live here. There’s a place down by the water called “The Rocks” where they have little shops, boutiques, restaurants, and cafe’s. There was this woman dancing in this colorful dress waving a fan welcoming everybody. They have this statue and its of a pig... apparently if you rub it’s nose and give it a coin, it gives you good luck. (I think they just wanted my money) - Some people did it though... On my wanderings I met Sarah, from Manchester! It was soo cool meeting someone who was also touring and from England; we kept each other’s company for the day!
Also, I met a friend named Laura, she is a law student here in Sydney. She took me to her friends party at their house and then to Imperial (gay bar/club). I’m all up for trying new things but this was interesting, but it was worth it. Loads of laughs and a different experience. Her friends were extremely funny and nice; we went out for Lebanese food (delicious - i would recommend it but i kinda don’t know the name of the restaurant). I’m so thankful for Laura because she assisted me around Sydney, told me where all the hot spots are, and most of all, gave me company! It get’s a bit lonely traveling alone but it’s a great way to meet new people! :]
I'm sitting at the airport now while writing this, hoping that my computer doesn't die on me, but life is full of surprises! I'm waiting for my flight to go to Melbourne, Australia! :] I was originally going to take a bus but that takes 14 hours, although the views would be beautiful, i thought i'd take the easy way out and fly, only 1 1/2 hours :] TIME IS MONEY; MONEY IS TIME? lol. I bought a cookie to eat and it was absolutely disgusting... i still ate it though. It's amazing what you do when you're hungry.
==> And it's one of the first times that i've been early to the airport. You know what i get for this.... A 2 HOUR DELAY -_- bad karma or a lesson? not really sure. I think i'll stick to the added pressure of being late than being bored, alone, hungry at an airport!
I'm sitting at the airport now while writing this, hoping that my computer doesn't die on me, but life is full of surprises! I'm waiting for my flight to go to Melbourne, Australia! :] I was originally going to take a bus but that takes 14 hours, although the views would be beautiful, i thought i'd take the easy way out and fly, only 1 1/2 hours :] TIME IS MONEY; MONEY IS TIME? lol. I bought a cookie to eat and it was absolutely disgusting... i still ate it though. It's amazing what you do when you're hungry.
==> And it's one of the first times that i've been early to the airport. You know what i get for this.... A 2 HOUR DELAY -_- bad karma or a lesson? not really sure. I think i'll stick to the added pressure of being late than being bored, alone, hungry at an airport!
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