Volcan de Lodo el Totumo is a huge tourist spot! We got to
the place, and my dad looked at me and was like “you made us come all this way
for this tiny thing.” I didn’t know what to expect. It was a small volcano,
nothing else; there was nothing around besides small huts were they had
bathrooms and people selling food.

My brother and mum went to the top but didn’t go in, they
were the official photographers. My dad and I went in, and boy was it an
experience. The mud was super soft, and we were floating like crazy in there.
It was extremely deep but you didn’t even have to tread water. It was super
cool. While you’re in the mud, there are local pe
ople who are in there who give
you massages and talk to you [I didn’t understand what they were saying
obviously] but the massage was so relaxing.
We were in there for about 20 minutes, and then I was done.
I wanted to wash all this stuff off.

No alligator bites or injuries! :D
I felt like a new woman! Super fresh and my skin felt extremely soft.