Seriously, that’s pretty much all I’ve done while traveling. I’ve had my fears and complications but it’s something I had to stick through and make the most of.
Traveling alone can be boring... in fact, most of the time it is boring. But i’ve reached that stage where I know that I’m alone and i’ve accepted it... it just makes me more independent i feel. Also you meet some really cool people when you travel alone cuz you have no choice but to be random and talk to strangers.
Traveling alone can be boring... in fact, most of the time it is boring. But i’ve reached that stage where I know that I’m alone and i’ve accepted it... it just makes me more independent i feel. Also you meet some really cool people when you travel alone cuz you have no choice but to be random and talk to strangers.
Anyways, back to my adventures recently:

Auckland Sky Walk (New Zealand) = I hear that all tourists must either do the Sky Jump or Sky walk! I’ve always wanted to sky dive so i thought this would be the perfect opportunity, except for the fact that i have a concious and all i could hear in the back was my mum’s voice saying “DONT YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT IT”. Instead i did the sky walk which is where you go all the way to the top of the tower and walk along the edge with only a harness on... scary stuff right there! After doing the bridge, i thought i was kinda unstoppable... that was until i reached the top of the tower. At least on the bridge if you fell, you would fall on stairs, this time if you fell, you’re a dead man/women. But all was successful, i got to see the volcanos, islands, yachts and buildings.
Mountain Biking (Woodhill - New Zealand) = I went with a Platinum Partner, Sue who lives in Auckland. She had asked me if I liked biking and i thought about it and was like, of course, i bike all the time (this was around celebration type of biking - nothing harcore but i thought i could handle it). Anyways, we went to the mountain range and it was a little wet from the rain but nothing stopped us. We rented some bikes, helmet and gloves and started the adventure. They always said the first 10 minutes would be the worst... they were right! I was literally out of breathe as i biked up and down hills in the forest! You know when you’re running and people say they “hit the wall”, well thats how i felt but to a lower level. I managed to only fall off my bike 4 times! got some cuts and bruises but no broken bones.... SUCCESS! Anyways, by the end of it, i felt like a pro. I was quicker at pedaling, a professional at changing gears and semi good at making the jumps. It was a lot of exercise and calories burned but definitely worth it! I’m so glad I did it.
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